Karni Mata Temple – The Habitat Of Rats

Karni Mata Temple

Jean-Pierre Dalbéra / CC BY 2.0

Karni Mata Temple

Karni Mata Temple is a famous Hindu temple dedicated to Karni Mata at Deshnoke, Rajasthan, India. It is 30 km from Bikaner. It is also known as the “Temple of Rats”. The temple is famous for the approximately 20,000 black rats that live.

White Rat At The Temple Of Karni Mata

Avinashmaurya /CC BY-SA 3.0 | White Rat At The Temple Of Karni Mata

These holy rats are called kabbas and many people travel great distances to pay their respects. The temple draws visitors from across the country for blessings. Out of all of the thousands of rats in the temple there are a few white rats which are considered to be especially holy.

Rat At Karni Mata Temple

Fulvio Spada /CC BY-SA 2.0 | Rat At Karni Mata Temple

They are believed to be the manifestations of Karni Mata herself and her four sons. Sighting them is a special blessing and visitors put in extensive efforts to bring them forth offering prasad, a sweet holy food. The temple is thrown open to the public early in the morning at 4.00 a.m.

Deshnok Karni Mata Temple

Arian Zwegers /CC BY 2.0 | Deshnok Karni Mata Temple

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