Do You Know This Plant That Traps & Eats Insects?


Green Pitcher Plant is a carnivorous plant. It has highly modified leaves in the form of pitchers that act as pitfall traps for prey. The narrow pitcher leaves are tapered tubes that rise up to 75 cm from the ground with a mouth 6 to 10 cm in circumference. It is native to the New World. Its range limited to a handful of sites in northern Alabama, North Carolina, Georgia and historically Tennessee.

Green Pitcher Plants

Noah Elhardt /CC BY-SA 2.5 | Green Pitcher Plants

The Green Pitcher Plant traps insects using a tubular rolled leaf which collects digestive juices at the bottom. The uppermost part of the leaf is flared into a lid which prevents excess rain from entering the pitcher and diluting the digestive secretions within. In spring, the plant produces large, yellow flowers with 5-fold symmetry.


Green Pitcher Plants

Aaron Carlson /CC BY-SA 2.0 | Green Pitcher Plants

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