When Rivers Collide : 11 Confluences Around the World

Nauticashades / CC BY-SA 3.0

Rhone River And Arve River

In geography, a confluence is the meeting of two or more bodies of water. Also known as a conflux, it refers either to the point where a tributary joins a larger river, called the main stem, or where two streams meet to become the source of a river of a new name, such as the confluence of the Monongahela and Allegheny rivers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania creating the Ohio River.  See some of the rivers given below :-

1. Confluence of the Zanskar River and Indus River, India.

Zanskar River And Indus River

ASIM CHAUDHURI /CC BY 2.0 | Zanskar River And Indus River

2. Confluence of the Negro River and Solimões River, Brazil.

Negro River And Solimões River

Immelman284 /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Negro River And Solimões River

3. Confluence of the Alaknanda River and Bhagirathi River, India.

Alaknanda River And Bhagirathi River

Shreyans B C /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Alaknanda River And Bhagirathi River

4. Confluence of the Ohio River and Mississippi River, Illinois.

Ohio River And Mississippi River

Censusdata /Public Domain | Ohio River And Mississippi River

5. Confluence of the Danube River and Inn River, Germany.

Danube River And Inn River

Hgmichna /Public Domain | Danube River And Inn River

6. Confluence of the Green River and Colorado River, United States.

Green River And Colorado River

MostlyDeserts /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Green River And Colorado River

7. Confluence of the Monongahela River and Allegheny River, Pennsylvania.

Monongahela River And Allegheny River

Henry C. Schmitt /CC BY-SA 2.5 | Monongahela River And Allegheny River

8. Confluence of the Rhône River and Arve River, Switzerland.

Rhone River And Arve River

Nauticashades /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Rhone River And Arve River

9. Confluence of the Rhine River and Moselle River, Germany.

Rhine River And Moselle River

Fritz Geller-Grimm /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Rhine River And Moselle River

10. Confluence of the White Nile River and Blue Nile River, Sudan.

White Nile River And Blue Nile River

NASA /Public Domain | White Nile River And Blue Nile River

11. Confluence of the Fraser River and Thompson River, Canada.

Fraser River And Thompson River

Cash4alex /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Fraser River And Thompson River

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