Meet The Tallest Man In The World

Sultan Kosen

Helgi Halldórsson / CC BY-SA 2.0

Sultan Kosen

Sultan Kosen

Sultan Kosen is a Turkish Kurdish farmer who holds the Guinness World Record for tallest living male at 8 ft 3 inch. His growth resulted from a tumour affecting his pituitary gland. His stature is such that he must use crutches in order to walk.

Sultan Kosen born 10 December 1982. He lives with his parents, three brothers and sister who are all of normal height. He was unable to complete his education because of his height, so instead works part time as a farmer. He describes the advantages of being tall to help his family with domestic tasks such as changing light bulbs and hanging curtains. He lists disadvantages as not being able to find clothes and shoes or finding it difficult to fit into an average-sized car.

In October 2013, Kosen married Syrian-born Merve Dibo, who is ten years Kosen’s junior. On 13 November 2014, as part of Guinness World Records Day Kosen met for the first time the world’s shortest living man, Chandra Bahadur Dangi, at an event in London.

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