5 Alternative Beaches To A Goa Holiday

Sunset At Diveagar Beach

Roshan Nikam / CC BY 2.0

Sunset At Diveagar Beach

A beach is a landform along a body of water. It usually consists of loose particles, which are often composed of rock, such as sand, gravel, shingle, pebbles, or cobblestones. The particles comprising a beach are occasionally biological in origin, such as mollusc shells or coralline algae.

1. Diveagar Beach

Diveagar is a locale in Shrivardhan Taluka, Raigad district in the Indian state of Maharashtra and approximately 170 km south of Mumbai. The beach contains a number of suru trees, which are common to coastal Maharashtra. The access to the beach has a dense cover of belu trees, which are otherwise uncommon in the area.

Diveagar is a popular beach destination from the nearby towns of Shrivardhan and Harihareshwar. Sand-bubble crabs can be found on the beach and at nearby Harihareshwar one can find dolphins. Some sea turtles still lay their eggs on the beach.

Camel Ride At Diveagar Beach

Abdul Razzak /CC BY 2.0 | Camel Ride At Diveagar Beach

2. Ganpatipule Beach

Ganapatipule beach is located in Ganapatipule. It is a small town located in Ratnagiri district on the Konkan coast of Maharashtra. Ganapatipule have a spectacular, clean and cleare beaches. Around the beach there are many coconut trees. The temple of Swayambhu (self-originated) Ganesh is much frequented by thousands every year. Those who visit Ganapatipule make it a point to pay their respects to this deity.

In addition to its clean beach and clear waters, Ganapatipule is rich in flora, including mangroves and coconut palms. Abhishek Beach Resort and Spa is a very good mid range option having a spectacular view of the Arabian sea from all its rooms.

Sunset At Beach

Debjeet20 /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Sunset At Beach

3. Tarkarli Beach

Tarkarli is a village in Malvan Taluka in Sindhudurg district in the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is tourist destination and an attractive beach. A long coastline and pristine clear waters make this beach ideal for a romantic escape. Located at the confluence of the Karli River and the Arabian Sea. This place fishes throughout the year, the sea during summer and winter and back-waters during the monsoon.

Tarkarli Beach

Ankur P /CC BY-SA 2.0 | Tarkarli Beach

4. Harihareshwar Beach

Harihareshwar is a town in Raigad district, in Maharashtra, India. It is surrounded by four hills named Harihareshwar, Harshinachal, Bramhadri and Pushpadri. Harihareshwar beach is one of the most tourist attraction in Raigad.

This beach located in Harihareshwar town. Harihareshwar, along with Shrivardhan and Diveagar Beach forms a popular weekend beach destination from Pune (190 km) and Mumbai (210 km). Harihareshwar Beach a is well set up beach and it can compete one of the Goa beaches.

Harihareshwar Beach

Ankur P /CC BY-SA 2.0 | Harihareshwar Beach

5. Gokarna Beach

Gokarna is a small temple town located on the western coast of India in the Uttara Kannada, Karnataka. Gokarna is known for the beaches. The main beaches in Gokarna are the Gokarna beach (also known as Indian Beach), Main Beach, Kuddle Beach, Om Beach etc. The Gokarna beach forms the coast of the town and is followed by Main beach in northern direction while the other four beaches lie to the south of Gokarna. Gokarna Beach is mainly used by Indian pilgrims.

Om Beach, Gokarna

Axis of eran /Public Domain | Om Beach, Gokarna

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