Top 3 Tips To Be Ideal Parents

Family On Bicycle

OpenClipart-Vectors / Public Domain

Family On Bicycle

Nobody said it was easy, we were warned that it would not be easy. But the only thing they did not warn us was that it would be so difficult. Parenting is not complex, being good parents themselves is.

Parenting is not just a task of physical, mental and emotional exhaustion. Obviously, it is a very satisfying task otherwise no one would have children. But it is not a bed of roses and has many complications. Being good parents not only influences the future of the education for our children but also our own satisfaction with the parenting role.

So we have here for you top 3 tips to be ideal parents:

1. I think the first and most recommended is never to lose sight of your son / daughter.

We cannot forget what we thought or felt at his /her age, in this or that subject. If you have forgotten that, you must make an effort to remember. I recommend this because it is precisely the greatest advantage for parents. We have already gone through this stage, and more or less (with different nuances), we know what to think or what to feel if you tell him/her to stop seeing pictures or to do the homework. Put yourself in their place and calculate their reactions. Now adapt to the problematic situation that arises at the time and you have a better chance of hitting with the measure you take. It sounds complicated, but we do it with our friends, family, partner … why do we not do it with our children and simply try to impose without any criteria? Practice, every time you will be better.

2. Communication is the key to good relations.

Pregnant Woman

CommanderClive /Public Domain | Pregnant Woman

Talk to them all you can and make an effort even if you are tired after a long day. Ask them about their day; tell them about yours … Say nice and pleasant things; praise is a very powerful weapon in the education of children. Never stop telling them you love them, give them a kiss, a hug, to express your emotions. No communication is when starts speculation, isolation, remoteness … and that is the start of estranged relationships.

3. We are the first example.

Parents And Children

taniadimas /Public Domain | Parents And Children

At least during the first few years of their life, we are not only the first example, we are the only one. Then they acquire more models as teachers, friends, teen idols … These are important to consider because our behaviors, styles, and lifestyles will influence them a lot. No smoking should be practiced in the house. If on the contrary, we smoke daily in their presence, they might smoke at a later stage in their lives too. But with a good education, the odds of that happening will decrease. Education is not only to tell what to do, it is to lead by example, in food, in conversation, in sport, in hygiene, in reading, studies, leisure, social skills … Let’s be a little consistent.

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