5 Most Terrifying Theme Park Rides In The World

Colossus, Thorpe Park

Stefan Scheer / CC BY-SA 1.0

Colossus, Thorpe Park

1. Colossus at Thorpe Park – Surrey, U.K.

Colossus is a roller coaster at Thorpe Park in Surrey, England and it is the park first major attraction. It was built by Swiss manufacturers Intamin and designed by Werner Stengel. The roller coaster is located in the Lost City area, in the south-east of the park. The ride is formed of a vertical loop, a cobra roll, two corkscrews and five heart line rolls.

Colossus, Thorpe Park

Henry Burrows /CC BY-SA 2.0 | Colossus, Thorpe Park

2. Tower of Terror at Dreamworld – Gold Coast, Australia

Tower Of Terror In Dreamworld

Lakeyboy /Public Domain | Tower Of Terror In Dreamworld

The Dreamworld Tower, is a 119-metre high tower located in the Dreamworld theme park on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. The Tower of Terror II and the Giant Drop both share the tower. The Giant Drop is currently the world’s third largest amusement ride. The Tower of Terror II is the world’s fourth tallest roller coaster.

Tower Of Terror

Jordan Messenger /CC BY-SA 2.0 | Tower Of Terror

3. Kingda Ka Six Flags Great Adventure – Jackson, United States

Kingda Ka is a steel accelerator roller coaster located at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, New Jersey, United States. It is the world’s tallest roller coaster. The train is launched by a hydraulic launch mechanism to 206 km/h in 3.5 seconds. At the end of the launch track, the train climbs the main top hat tower, reaching a height of 456 feet and spanning over a 3,118-foot-long track by the end of the ride.

Kingda Ka Six Flags Great Adventure

Dusso Janladde /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Kingda Ka Six Flags Great Adventure

4. Expedition GeForce – Holiday Park, Germany

Expedition GeForce At Holiday Park

Immanuel Giel /Public Domain | Expedition GeForce At Holiday Park

Expedition GeForce is a steel roller coaster located at Holiday Park in Germany. It is one of the largest roller coasters in Europe and has an 82 degree first drop. The trains travel up to 120 kilometres per hour through a course 1.2 kilometres long with seven periods of weightlessness. At its highest, the ride reaches 53 metres above ground.

Expedition GeForce

Hetamin1000 /Public Domain | Expedition GeForce

5. Goliath (Six Flags Great America) – Gurnee, Illinois

Goliath At Six Flags Great America

Jeremy Thompson /CC BY 2.0 | Goliath At Six Flags Great America

Goliath is a wooden roller coaster at Six Flags Great America in Gurnee, Illinois. Manufactured by Rocky Mountain Construction and designed by Alan Schilke. The ride set three world records for wooden roller coasters: the longest drop at 180 feet, the steepest drop at 85°, and the fastest speed at 116 km/h.


Goliath At Six Flags Great America

Jeremy Thompson /CC BY 2.0 | Goliath At Six Flags Great America

Also, check out the below awesome video of the most terrifying amusement rides in the world.


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