World’s most dangerous tree: Go near, if you want to die

World's Most Dangerous Tree - The Manchineel Tree


World's Most Dangerous Tree - The Manchineel Tree

Manchineel Tree

The tree definitely look like an ordinary tree, but it can kill if you are near it.

Manchineel Tree - World's Most Dangerous Tree

/ | World’s Most Dangerous Tree – The Manchineel Tree

The manchineel tree  is a species of flowering plant in the spurge family. Manchineel tree is native to Florida in the United States. The name “manchineel” is also called as manzanilla in Spanish it means “little apple”.

Fruit of the Manchineel Tree

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A present-day Spanish name is in fact manzanilla de la muerte, “little apple of death”. This refers to the fact that manchineel is one of the most poisonous trees in the world.

Fruit of the Manchineel Tree

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Manchineel is a tree reaching up to 15 metres high with a greyish bark, shiny green leaves and spikes of small greenish flowers. Its fruits, which are similar to an apple. These are green or greenish-yellow when ripe.

Fruit of the Manchineel Tree

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The tree and its parts contain strong toxins. Its milky white sap contains phorbol and other skin irritants, producing strong allergic dermatitis. Standing beneath the tree during rain will cause blistering of the skin from mere contact with this liquid. Burning the tree may cause blindness if the smoke reaches the eyes. The fruit is said to be possibly fatal if eaten.


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Check out the video below that will give you some more insight and details about the Manchineel tree. This tree also has an entry in the Guinness Book of World Records.


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