Some Unknown Facts About The King Of Pop – Michael Jackson

Ali / CC BY 2.0

MJ - Pop Of King

1. Pinocchio was Michael Jackson’s favorite animated character.

2. Michael Jackson was very ticklish.

3. The family band was originally called the Jackson Brothers.

Jackson Brothers

CBS Television /Public Domain | Jackson Brothers

4. He was a big fan of The Three Stooges.

5. Bad and Dangerous were two of his best albums and world’s best selling records.

Michael Jackson

Zoran Veselinovic /CC BY-SA 2.0 | Michael Jackson

6. The dance moves were popular because of him which also included the robot and the moonwalk.

7. He has sold more than 300 million records worldwide.

8. He had earned $500 million in his total lifetime from music.

9. The moonwalk was picked up from street dancers

Michael Jackson Invincible

Ben Heine /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Michael Jackson Invincible

10. Jackson was a vegetarian.

11 Before concerts he would drink Ricola candy dissolved in hot water.

Ricola Candies

Adrian Michael /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Ricola Candies

12. Michael Jackson is godfather to Nicole Richie.

13. At the age of five he showed his singing talent when he had performed at a christmas recital.

14. MC Hammer once challenged Jackson to a dance off.

MC Hammer

Brian Solis /CC BY 2.0 | MC Hammer

15. The artist Jeff Koons made a series of sculptures of Jackson and Bubbles.

Sculptures of Jackson and Bubbles

Håkon H /CC BY-SA 2.0 | Sculptures of Jackson and Bubbles

16. He was suggested doing weight loss and he was on a strict vegetarian diet which made a great difference in his appearance.

17. He was surrounded by 40 people of staff as his protectors.

18. The profits from his single “Man in the Mirror” went to charity.

19. Bubbles the chimpanzee was Jackson’s most famous pet.

20. 100,000 people turned out to see him, when he visited the African country of Gabon.

21. The 2,700-acre property had a theme park, a menagerie, and a movie theatre.

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