Top 10 Cargo Ports In The World

Port of Piraeus

Nikolaos Diakidis / CC BY-SA 3.0

Port of Piraeus

These are the biggest cargo ports in the World’s. They specialize in handling goods transported in shipping containers. The world’s busiest ports are commonly ranked by cargo tonnage and by volume of container shipment measured in TEUs. Since the 2000s, the Port of Shanghai has surpassed the Port of Singapore and the Port of Hong Kong to become the world’s busiest port by both measures. It is no surprise that 7 of the 10 biggest ports in the world by cargo volume are in China. The remaining three are in Singapore,the Netherlands and South Korea. The list below is in no particular order.

1. Port of Shanghai

The Port of Shanghai (Chinese: 上海港; pinyin: Shànghǎi Gǎng; Wu: Zaanhe Kaon), located in the vicinity of Shanghai, comprises a deep-sea port and a river port. Shanghai’s port handled 29.05 million TEUs, whereas Singapore’s was a half million TEU’s behind.

Port of Shanghai

Marqueed /CC BY 3.0 | Port of Shanghai

2. Port of Singapore

The Port of Singapore refers to the collective facilities and terminals that conduct maritime trade handling functions in harbours and which handle Singapore’s shipping. Currently the world’s second-busiest port in terms of total shipping tonnage.

Port of Singapore

DearEdward /CC BY 2.0 | Port of Singapore

3. Port of Tianjin

The Port of Tianjin (Tianjin Gang, Chinese: 天津港; pinyin: tiānjīn gǎng), formerly known as the Port of Tanggu, is the largest port in Northern China and the main maritime gateway to Beijing. The name “Tianjin Xingang”.

Port of Tianjin

Arrorro /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Port of Tianjin

4. Port of Guangzhou

Port of Guangzhou is the main seaport of Guangzhou city, Guangdong province, China. The port is operated by Guangzhou Port Group Co. Ltd which is a state owned company.

5. Port of Ningbo-Zhoushan

The Port of Ningbo-Zhoushan (SSE: 601018) is a Chinese port that is the busiest in the world in terms of cargo tonnage, it handled 888.96 million tons cargoes in 2015, keep ranking first of the all cargo ports around the world.

6. Port of Rotterdam

The Port of Rotterdam is the largest port in Europe, located in the city of Rotterdam, Netherlands. From 1962 until 2004 it was the world’s busiest port, now overtaken first by Singapore and then Shanghai.

Port of Rotterdam

Bair175 /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Port of Rotterdam

7. Port of Hong Kong

The Port of Hong Kong, located by the South China Sea, is a deepwater seaport dominated by trade in containerised manufactured products, and to a lesser extent raw materials and passengers.

Port of Hong Kong

Andrew Smith /CC BY-SA 2.0 | Port of Hong Kong

8. Port of Qingdao

The Port of Qingdao is a seaport on the Yellow Sea in the vicinity of Qingdao, Shandong Province, People’s Republic of China. It is one of the ten busiest ports in the world.

9. Port of Dalian

The Port of Dalian (38° 55′ N 121° 41′ E) founded in 1899 lies at the southern tip of Liaodong Peninsula in Liaoning province and is the most northern ice-free port in China.

Port of Dalian

Whoisgalt /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Port of Dalian

10. Port of Busan

The Port of Busan is the largest port in South Korea, located in the city of Busan, South Korea.

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