Know The Secret To Quit Smoking Now!


geralt / Public Domain


1. Bet with someone to quit smoking

Be cool – don’t be a smoking fool. The best thing to quit smoking is betting with your family or friends who can bribe you with the stuffs you like that can motivate yourself and won’t let anyone down.

2. Hypnosis

Hypnosis is the technique in order to stay smoke free when your depressed, unconscious or in the mood of craving.

3. You name it and post it

The great way to quit smoking and motivating yourself is by posting it everywhere nearby you by. Just name it in few places like bedroom, kitchen, toilet, workplace, etc.

4. Piggy Bank frees you from smoking

The best motivator is money rather than investing in puff, its better to collect and save in your piggy bank. By doing this you will get to know how much money and time you have saved.

Piggy Bank

Tumisu /Public Domain | Piggy Bank

5. New hobby swaps your smoking

Cigarette is every smokers enemy hence you need some change and something new to replace the habit of smoking. The time you smoke you can divert your mind into some other activities which will help and motivate you and you can learn something out of it like :- Playing, listening music, cleaning your cupboard etc.. this is the best way to stop you from smoking.

Say no to smoke

27707 /Public Domain | Say no to smoke

Cigarette is a waste of time!


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